I’ve been telling stories on film for over a decade in the local church. And I’ve noticed something along the way … people respond to stories.
They remember them too. Years after we’ve shown a story in our church, it’s not unusual for our team to hear people talking about something that impacted them, something they’ve hung onto over time. What we really love hearing people talk about are the things God did in these stories – how He saved someone or healed them, how a child was adopted, how a marriage was saved from certain disaster. This might be the most beautiful part of the ministry of storytelling – we get to share a glimpse of how good God really is.
We’re in a golden age of storytelling these days. We’re enamored with everything ‘story.’ When I tell people that people that I’m a storyteller, it usually sparks interest (or they roll their eyes and silently mock me – which is fair enough.) Story is a buzzword that won’t go away. Because it’s all around us, it’s something that needs meaning in order to matter.
So why do we tell stories?
First, we’re following in the footsteps of Jesus. He told stories and taught in parables, making the secrets of Heaven accessible to people’s imaginations, describing His Kingdom in a way only He could. By telling stories, Jesus met people right where they were.
We tell stories because they glorify our good God. They demonstrate His unyielding faithfulness, whether He transforms a situation or redeems someone’s perspective in suffering. It stirs our hearts to know that God is still at work, still speaking and moving and healing and making all things new.
We tell stories because they matter, both to God and to us. Our story is a chronicle of our faith so far, the things we’ve experienced and the insights we’ve learned. It’s one of the most precious things we have.
We tell stories because they create impact. They speak truth that resonates deep in the hearts of people. Audiences can relate with struggle, with unresolved conflict, doubt and uncertainty. We need to know we’re not alone in all this. Stories remind us of this.
This past year, I launched a Story Team at WoodsEdge Church with the vision to foster a culture of storytelling at our church. God began bringing us people with a similar passion, and our ministry has begun to take shape and grow.
Along the way, we connected with leaders in other churches who want to tell more stories too. Some are getting started, some want to get more intentional in building a team or grow in the craft of storytelling.
So we’ve launched Tell More Stories as a community resource for storytellers in the local church. Our aim is to share practical, approachable insights that empower you to tell more stories and create more impact in your ministry.
Storytelling is hard work. (It’s a TON of work!) It’s high expectations, limited resources and never enough time. We’re right there with you – it’s where we live too. But we’ve learned that it gets easier when you have a team to help you out. We want to be that team for you.
We want to help you get more intentional, clear and focused as a storyteller. We want to help you understand what moves you and what will move your audience. We want to pass along any resource that’s been helpful to us. And we want you to use it to bless your church for God’s glory. We tell stories because it’s what we were created to do.
So if you’re a storyteller in the church, you’ve come to the right place.